Happy New Month
So while we did not see these things in person this is what you get to see on Kazakh TV:) Very entertaining. Oh and we also get the Halmark Chanel.
So to all of my loyal readers, I apologize for not updating yesterday. We have actually been very busy here.
Yesterday morning we many second hand stores to find clothes for the little one. The new ones at the market are expensive, and well we are here 2.5v weeks longer than we planed.
Yesterday was also his 7 month birthday. We made a mistake earlier when we said his birthday was the 8th of September, it is actually the 30th (sorry Stephanie.) The other big thing about our visit was we got to change him. We were worried because we had only seen his hands and face but now we have been granted almost complete viewing rights. We did however have to change him quickly because they worry a lot about babies being cold. He was very patient with his new parents as we played dress up with him. Every day we spend with him gets better and better.
In the afternoon, we ended up visiting with our friends Jack and Janet and their new son. He is adorable. Then we made dinner with Matt and Betsy. We keep joking around that this place is a lot like living in a college dorm. The kitchens are also very small so if we want a meal with two burners we need to make friends.
Today is May Day and we are going to go to the celebrations and parade this morning until our visit. Sadly it is cool and poring down rain. Oh well it will still be fun.