The Decker's Adoption Journey

This is our story in starting our very own family through international adoption. We will be adopting an infant (or two) from Kazakhstan. Hopefuly we will be traveling this spring to meet and bring home our little one(s). We hope that by reading our story you are able to follow our journey and learn about the process of adoption.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hello From Almaty Kazakhstan

Well we have made it safely to Kazakhstan and all went well in our travels. The flights to Germany all went very well and were quite uneventfull. In Germany we had to get boarding passes for our flight on Luftansa. This took about 1.5 hours but hey what else did we have to do there but hang out in line. I did buy one thing there which was a $4 bottle of water. oh yea. After that everything seemed much less appealing. People in Germany were super friendly and it amazes me that many people we met spoke English well. I still find it a bit embarassing that Americans don't typically know another language.

The flight from Chigago to Germany was a bit rough we spent a lot of time generating static electricity and not so much time sleeping. We then had another night of flying into Kazakhstan on a brand new Luftansa plane. great service!

When we got off of the plane in Almaty I saw a family with these adorable children that appeared to be from Ireland. I thought about it a while and realized that this family looked a lot like my Aunt Stephies friend Kate. I went on a hunch and the bravery that 14 hours of jet lag can create and asked her husband (as she had taken off by this point) if his wife's name was Kate, and did her mom live in the San Fransico area. Sure enough we now have friends and contacts in Almaty:) We are planning on meeting up with them on our way back through.

We are staying in an apartment. Mom and Sharron I will e-mail you with the phone number. We have been searching for the grocery store for quite some time, but we stumbled upon the internet cafe so I have not managed to get a calling card yet. At the cafe I began to become very thankful that I sacrificed my NPR for the last year to learn Russian. We managed to buy breakfast, tea, get on the internet and hopefuly get good directions to the grocery store. All directions seem to say walk straight for three blocks. I would feel better about this if this was not the third time we were told to walk three blocks. Who knows we might end up back at our apartment without any grocerys and many calories burned.

Also to traveling families, make sure if you are arriving in the middle of the night that you get a bottle of water on the plane. We arrived in the middle of the night and the stores were closed. We have been boiling water for 10 minutes hoping that we will not regret this in a few days. Also the city does not have hot water so I had John to wash my hair like Robert Redford washed Meryl Streep's hair in Out of Africa. Ah all of my dreams are comming true.

Speaking of, we will head to Uralsk very early tomorrow and hopefully we will have met our child by tomorrow night.

Much love to our faithful fan club:)

Karon and John


Blogger sunflowering said...

Yeah hooray that is so cool that you are there! Amazing, and not so surprising, that you've already made connections. Will give you a call very soon.

Yer Sig Bister

3:53 AM  
Blogger Grandma and Grandpa Spell said...

Wow! I thought something was new when your blog address was all these little squiggles. We are thrilled you are there and it is going pretty smoothly. We will be checking regularly to see what is happening.
We will send out a prayer request for a good day fo tomorrow:-)
Jim and Beth

6:26 AM  
Blogger eastoregonlady said...

WOW! Is this just not the MOST amazing story!!! Hoping the Ministry says "two" (gee, do you think there are any twins there???) so all the "fan club", let's start surrounding this family with all of the positive energy and white light we can muster, so that all their dreams DO come true!!!

Ms. G.

7:11 AM  
Blogger Mimi said...

HI Little Karo and John,
Dad and I were so excited this morning to get to talk to you and know that ya'll made it to Almaty safely. Good luck on the rest of your trip and we are anxiously awaiting to hear all about our new grandchild or grandchildren. I guess the labor started when you left Seattle so it will be a long labor but worth it when they put the child or children in your arms.


7:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I am so excited for you. I will be keeping you in my prayers that the perfect child(ren) are shown to you!

Good luck!
Jess (ivillage)

9:43 AM  
Blogger Gretchen said...

How exciting! We are anxiously following along. Have a safe trip.

12:17 PM  
Blogger Joscelyn Decker said...

Glad you arrived safely & with all your belongings. Thanks for all the updates & letting us join you on this journey!

2:29 PM  
Blogger Dad and Mom Decker said...

We are so excited for you...

praying for you and the kids.. Can't wait to see what God has in store for you the next few days!

6:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Big Brother & Sis-in-Law! We are soooooo excited for you! It's like we are waiting at an exciting part of the movie and its intermission... Can't wait to hear who will join our family next. The kids are all so excited for you also. You are awesome parents already with such dedication! We love you! God Bless!

Dan, Jean, Nathan, Jordan, Zac, Mikala, & Ava

8:34 PM  
Blogger Mimi said...

Hi Little Karo and John,
Dad says, "Mazel Tov!"


2:57 PM  

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