Losing our best friend

September 22nd 1996 I adopted my first “baby.” She was between two and five years old and in need of a good home and was already on home number three when we met. I can still remember her shy disposition as she sat there snapping at flies as they buzzed around her head. I had spend weeks looking for the dog that was to be mine. Ghunsa was mentioned on a flyer at the pound and somehow I knew she would be my dog. I called the number for two weeks as I looked at dog after dog. I found out later that her owners were out of town and when they called me back they had already given her away. I was devastated and went on a limb and asked them to call me if the person happened to change their mind. Well they did, Ghunsa did not like them and she let it be know. Because of this failed attempt at finding her a home Tina (her owner) wanted me to visit her for two weeks to get to know her. I knew from day one when we ran down to the river and went swimming together.
For 11 years she has been my constant companion and has grown to love John. She had to earn his trust and love, but did so after finding our camp for us in White Sands National Monument in the dark. She was the ring bearer in our wedding and has for all intensive purposes has been our first child.
Today was one of the hardest days of our lives as we said good buy to our loyal friend and companion forever. She will be missed and we hope that she will be watching over us on our trip as our ever present guard dog.
OH Karon I am so sorry for your loss!!! I know right now you have your minds full and racing with excitement to meet your little one but it doesn't make it any easier :(
Hugs from a hopeful Kaz mom to be!
That doesn't seem fair. Our hearts go out to you. There aren't any good words to say other than we care.
Jim and Beth
:( I know this day must be very tough. I still think about losing bandit every time I see another dog (especially buddy!) and it has been 10 years! But I am so happy to have had such a great time with him. I know you feel the same way about Ghunsa and you will always have those special memories to make you smile! I am grateful to have met ghunsa many times and she was truly a special dog. Thank you for sharing her with us.
I'm so sorry again, Karon! (hugs)
Karon - I am so sorry to hear about Ghunsa. I remember when you got her and how excited you were. I am happy that you did get to say goodbye to her and that she didn't pass while you were gone. Sending big hugs to you and to John. Just know that you have an angel there guarding and protecting you every step of the way.
Love always - MH, Norman, Doodle, & ???
I am so sorry about Ghunsa - I remember meeting her when we were in college and y'all were passing through town and thinking she was a great dog! I'm glad you had so many great years with her and like MH said, I believe she'll be with you on your journey! Thinking happy thoughts for you both as you're about to leave! Love, Elizabeth
Dakota and Randy will miss Ghunsa. She was a great companion. We are so sorry.
love randy, Melissa, Sam, Gus, and Dakota
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