The Decker's Adoption Journey

This is our story in starting our very own family through international adoption. We will be adopting an infant (or two) from Kazakhstan. Hopefuly we will be traveling this spring to meet and bring home our little one(s). We hope that by reading our story you are able to follow our journey and learn about the process of adoption.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Last day with students

OK so one huge weight has been lifted off our shoulders. John’s boss has just asked him to be back as soon as possible and said that she really needs him for Memorial Day.

Today was my last day with the kids at school and there were several times I almost cried when telling the good buy. My 7th period class even surprised me by getting pizzas and throwing a going away party for me. Tomorrow I will finish all of their letters and grades and I will be done with school for a while. It will be nice to be able to dedicate this next week to finalizing as many details as possible.


Blogger Grandma and Grandpa Spell said...

We are so glad things have worked out for John. Have a safe and wonderful journey. Those kids can really surprise you sometimes with their sweetness, but you do have an exceptional group this year:-)

9:09 PM  
Blogger sunflowering said...


I'm so excited that John has ~ and therefore all of you have ~ more time.

Sharron : )

3:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karon - YAY!! I am so excited for you guys. Have a safe trip. That was so sweet that your students threw you a surprise last day party. You are going to make a wonderful mom.
Love ya!! MH

7:21 AM  
Blogger Don and Mom said...

Congratulations and Godspeed! We hope to experience the joy and excitement vicariously as you post information!

10:08 AM  
Blogger Sambalina said...

YAY! The dates are getting closer!! :) :) :)

2:48 PM  

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