We made it!!!
While there are many things I would like to share about the last two days, the most important thing I would like to tell everyone is that we have made it to Seattle. Emerson did great on all of the flights, and I must say that I need to take back anything bad I said about Luftansa. They we wonderful for the flight and we had exclent service and a bassinet which was a life saver. There are many more things I will share later, for now the exaustion of 38 hours of moving is setting in. I feel a bit like one feels after playing all day in the ocean. My body does not belive that we have stoped for a while.
Hooray!!!! Take some time to just rest, and if anyone will wait on you and take care of you, LET THEM!! I can hardly wait until you get here and get settled--take care and be blessed!
"Grandma" Georgia
Halleluiah, Halleluiah, halleluiah, we are so happy for you:-) We are ready to party, party, party!! Grandma Linda had a bike wreck and broke her wrist and had to have it set surgically or she would be cheering, too. I am so glad you wrote even a quick note. I was getting very restless and starting to pace:-)
Jim and Beth
glad you are back in the States I can only imagine Jet lag with a Baby. Looking forward to seeing you all.
I forgot to say that was me
Karon and John,
Even though I have left no comments, it doesn't mean I haven't kept up with you these last many weeks. It has been so interesting to read your news as you posted it and believe me I have felt the roller coaster ride too as my heart has been with you all the way. I am so excited about little Emerson and can't wait until we get to see him. He and Reid are so close in age that it reminded me of you Karon, with Jeff growing up so well together and now you both have sons. I can only with you all the very best and I must say, we are so very thankful that you all are back on American soil. Can't wait until you get to Alabams though so we can join in on sharing our love for you all.
Aunt Brenda
Congrats Karon, John, and Emerson on a good trip home. Sorry that the airlines were being a pain in the rear, but at least you are all home safe and sound. Enjoy settling Emerson in at home and metting friends and family. Take lots of pictures - he will grow so fast! Love, MH, Norm, & Nathan
Glad to hear you are back. I will visit when you get settled in. Have to share news too. You will hear all when you get to Dayville...retirement happens.....
Take it easy and be careful driving home.....settle in!!
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