We have found the internet cafe:)
In an effort to save on cost for our extended journey we have found an internet cafe where we can use the computer for 1/5 the cost of the hotel computer. The other advantage is 6k of walking:) We should be in really great shape by the time we get home.
We have not been able to visit the little one yet today. The cafe is very crowded once school lets out for the day, so we will write before our 2pm visits.
As far as measurements go you can do an internet search for a metric conversion calculator. I will see about getting it in inches. His head is 38cm and I will get the rest today. He only weighs about 8.8 lbs right now. Basically we are being told not to treat him as a 7 month old because he was so premature. He should be considered aa a 3 month old. The doctors are telling us that this delay in size and development will even out by the time he is two or three years old. (no teeth yet either.) With that being said we really don't have anything for such a small infant except for a crib. I think he is too much of a squirmer for a swaddle but maybe that is what they are for. I will certainly need a lot of training in all of the tools required to operate a safe and healthy baby. For right now they just let us do the good stuff which is play with him. Over time I am sure that we will get more and more responsibilities.
Another note for future adopting families, we have had the opportunity to relearn the importance of currency strength(exchange). When we did our budget for coming here the dollar was much stronger than it is now. Oops, make sure you ask your agency cost of things in both US$ and Tenge.
Ah, yes, the realities of international currency fluctuations. . .at least you're not in England, where the rate is now more than $2 per pound!
What is a swaddle, anyway?
Say hi to the little guy from his Aunt Sharron, and enjoy the walking. Hope y'all have a good hot bathtub, too.
Sharron : )
Linda didn't remember that most measuring tapes are in metric and English so we checked it out last night and could just look on the other side and convert, so that is not a problem. So in my vast experience as a grand mother:-) it looks like we need to gather up some 3 months size clothes and then probably more 6 months clothes because he will really start to grow with the individual attention and stimulation from two loving parents. Do you know if he eats anything besides formula? We are so excited and need to know every detail, but are being patient.
Jim and Beth
Oh BOY! We are so happy for you two! So excited to meet him! Do you have a name yet? Wow, I can't believe how small he is! He is 6 days younger than Ava, yet 7 lbs lighter and she is kinda behind. With lots of TLC from the both of you, he will catch up fast! He would stll be in Newborn diapers but in size 1 probably by the time you return. You'll need lots of those. lol Do you have any pictures yet? Well, hang in there, and again congratulaitons!
Love you!
Jean & family
Ah ha!!! Now it all makes sense(not knowing about tummy laying, not sitting alone, and still being swaddled (ie: wrapped tightly to feel safe and secure) !!!...even (second guessing Kaz folks) the reason they did not turn in his paperwork for 2 mos, if he was a preemie, they may have thought to wait and see HOW he would do, with life!!! So a tiny little dude, well, by the time you get him home,we will have him ALL set...en-joy all those visitation moments!!!
Ms. G.
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