No Movement
I never used the FedEx tracking page before this past week and now I am a pro at it. At least I think so, but unfortunately it keeps telling me the same thing: Nothing. It looks as though our paperwork is still in New York. Our agency mentioned that the person who needs to put their final stamp of approval on it has been ill. I every one can send some prayers and positive thoughts that this very crucial person feels better soon we sure would appreciate it. I just keep reminding myself that the universe is unfolding as it should so that we will meet and welcome the perfect child or children into our lives.
Just the other day we were reminded of this as we have been trying to pick up our new windows in Bend for the last 4 weeks. We have had a hard time with this because we would have to borrow a pickup truck and it would take a whole day to get there and back and the roads have been terrible. Also we were really worried because if something happened to them in transit than we were totally out of luck. Well on Friday, John was loading up the jeep with a borrowed trailer (thanks Fido) when the window company called saying that they had a new driver they wanted to train and they would have him bring the windows out to us (3 hours away) for free!!! Such a thing was a good reminder that rushing things does not always get the best results and that good things are worth the wait (but too much longer and I won’t have any fingernails left.)
The other big news is that we have started moving the office upstairs so we can really get the kids room together. We will post pictures once the mess clearsJ
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