Seattle Visit

It is hard to believe that we are now the proud new owners of things like a crib and toy chest. We had a very successful visit to Seattle to get stuff for the kid(s) room. We decided just to prepare for two of different ages figuring that they will eventually need a twin bed. We were very fortunate to have Ed and Carol (Papa and MamMam) give us a crib. John and I did the marathon shopping adventure to Ikea. For anyone who knows me, shopping for six hours is a huge stretch. Anyone who knows John understands why it took so long as everything had to be checked over and compared with all Balshoes Spaciba (Big Thanks) other options before it could go in the basket.
Josh, Joslyn and Olivia for the beautiful
rocking horse. We love it and know that our
little one will too.
We also were able to visit with some of the family despite the icy weather. Sorry we were unable to meet up with you Jenny. Hopefully we will see you prior to flying out in the spring. It is hard to believe that the next time we will be up there is when we are leaving to go meet and bring home our child(ren.) I can hardly wait, but we still have a long to-do list to whittle down before leaving.
The next thing we are waiting for is to find out our paperwork has made it through New York.
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