The Decker's Adoption Journey

This is our story in starting our very own family through international adoption. We will be adopting an infant (or two) from Kazakhstan. Hopefuly we will be traveling this spring to meet and bring home our little one(s). We hope that by reading our story you are able to follow our journey and learn about the process of adoption.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

28 days or so we think:)

So we are in a phase of hurry up and wait. It keeps going back and forth weather we will be able to go at the end of March on in the begging of April. It all seems to depend on how quickly they finish our paperwork in Astan and get the necessary information to the Embassy. Our coordinator told us yesterday that it could happen anytime with in the next two weeks. Then we should expect our Letter of Invitation (LOI) two weeks latter. It will be a grand day when that happens. In the mean time I did manage to get most of my classes figured out for the rest of the year so I don’t have to stress about getting my sub ready at the last minuet.

We are still in limbo on whether we will be adopting one or two children on this trip. I know it will be much clearer when we meet the available children and see their little personalities shine. I guess this is the time of my life when I get to give up my planning instincts and just “go with the flow.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karon can you post pix


6:16 PM  
Blogger Karon said...

Yes we can post pictures, but it takes forever on our dial-up internet. I am also probably not going to take the laptop to Kazakhstan becuase it would take and cost way to much to upgrade the windows 98 operating system. So I am not sure if we can post pictures while we are there but we will definately keep people updated.

5:55 PM  

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