The Decker's Adoption Journey

This is our story in starting our very own family through international adoption. We will be adopting an infant (or two) from Kazakhstan. Hopefuly we will be traveling this spring to meet and bring home our little one(s). We hope that by reading our story you are able to follow our journey and learn about the process of adoption.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

4 days down 10 to go

I only have a few minutes but I wanted everyone to know that we are doing great and staying very busy here. Yesterday was one of our most fun days in Kazakhstan as we were able to spend it with great friends. On Friday we e3nded up not having enough time to go the Ecology Museum so we went to the Library and got a new book for me and a learn to read Russian book for John. Baby Bug also is getting to where he realy wants to sit up and is grabing for objects and enjoying flailing them around. His slight lazy eye is also correcting it self with all of the extra attention he is getting. I really want to wright about our Saturday adventures but it must wait until I have more time. Our friends Matt and Betsy are leaving tomorrow so we are going to have lunch with them now and then at 3:00 we are meeting with a Peace Corps volunteer who lives in a nearby village. Tomorrow morning I should have more time to fill you in on our adventures.

Beth, we will only be in Seattle a few days before comming home. I do not currently have any infant stuff at home because we were not expecting there to be any children that were so small.

da zaftera (until tomorrow.)


Blogger sunflowering said...

Happy Mother's Day, little sister!

I am so glad y'all are having such a good time. Great that you met Matt & Betsy ~ would love to hear a little about their little one, too.

Hanging out with the Peace Corps guy should be great. You will learn a ton, no doubt. It has been fun for me to think about Central America again lately. . .I have many good memories of Peace Corps folks who shared lots with us, from a bed to sleep on to real insider's knowledge about the places we were visiting.

Looking forward to the next installment, and delighted to hear how Baby Bug is flourishing with all your loving attention.

Oh, and also really happy to hear how John has taken up learning Russian, too!

Love you,
Sharron : )

5:14 AM  
Blogger eastoregonlady said...

Happy First Mother's Day, would be SO wonderful for you to keep up the Russian language with the Little bug!!! Well, I think Bethie and I can get going on getting the "infant" type stuff organized here, say, is there a CHANCE in the world that you folks are into the more environmentally friendly cloth diapers??? Cause Beth and I are whizzes at making them...let us know! Bethie, you find some of those bottles, and we'll start working on the wipes, creams, etc.! Enjoy your days with the community and that baby!!!

Ms. G.

7:48 AM  
Blogger Mimi said...

Hi Little Karo,
Even though you won't get to see "Little Bug" on Mother's Day he knows you are near and will be just as excited to see you tomorrow. Hope you have a wonderful day!


7:52 AM  
Blogger Grandma and Grandpa Spell said...

I told you that the substitute Grandma's are getting organized. Can you tell who is the chief organizer? If the baby store is open today, I will be get the bottles and see what else is new and exciting:-)
Have a grand day.
Jim and Beth

9:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am just writing to send you a happy mother's day wish from Montana (we are here visiting Joscelyn's family). We miss you guys and think of you often. We are continuing to pray and believe that all will continue to go smoothly and that you will have favor and blessings wherever you go! We are counting down the days for your return and look forward to more updates. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY KARON!

9:05 AM  
Blogger Don and Mom said...

Happy Mothers Day, Karon. It is so wonderful to hear you are enjoying the country. I am surprised and happy that John wants to learn Russian. He does speak some German and a little more Italian. You two make us so proud. We are also gathering things for you. We will wait a little longer to send them. I don't know how long the post office in Dayville will hold things for you. We love you three and can't wait until you are back in this country with pictures and stories and memories that we hope you will share. I know you love Baby Bug already and that is why he is blossoming. Our prayers are with you. Jean and Dan say hello. Nathan was ordained a Deacon last week and now passes the sacrament. He gave his first talk today and is now is Boy Scouts. Love, Mom and Don

1:14 PM  

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